Will we ship to your address?Updated 8 months ago
Greenleaf Gifts currently ships to customers in all 50 United States. We also ship to United States Post Office Boxes. We do not currently ship to US Territories.
Due to agreements with our international distributors, we do not ship to customers outside the United States at this time.
If you are in Canada, you may contact our distributor there directly to learn how to purchase our products in your area.
Candym Showroom and Office
95 Clegg Road, Markham Ontario
Canada, L6G 1B9.
Telephone: (905) 474-1555
Toll-Free: (800) 263-3551
Fax Number: (800) 224-8770 or (905) 474-0960
Please contact [email protected] for additional information regarding how to obtain our products in your country if you live outside the United States.