Are all of your products safe?Updated 6 months ago
All of our products meet and often exceed industry safety standards. Here are some of the regulatory requirements new ingredients are reviewed against before they are approved for use in our products.
All ingredients must be used according to IFRA requirements.
All material must be in compliance with the LACEY Act.
Substances classified as CMRs shall not be intentionally/directly added.
No Phthalates present as ingredients.
No Nitromusks present as ingredients.
No ozone depleting substances.
No Nanomaterials.
No Proposition 65 ingredients, unless the following exemption criteria can be met.*
The material is exempt Title 27 § 25501. “Naturally Occurring Chemical in a Food” An exposure scenario is provided documenting exposure below applicable NSRL/MADL.
No ingredients on the ECHA candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).
No Nonlyphenol (NP) and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPE) as ingredients.
No dyes containing or that may release aromatic or aryl amines (Azo dyes)
No material identified as an endocrine disrupter.
California Cleaning Products Right to Know Act List
- CA Prop 65
- EU Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reproductive Toxicants
- EU Endocrine Disruptors
- IRIS Neurotoxicants
- IRIS Carcinogens
- Canada PBTs
- EU Respiratory Sensitizers
- IARC Carcinogens
- ATSDR Neurotoxicants
- US EPA Priority Chemicals List
- US NTP Reproductive or Developmental Toxicants
- US NTP Carcinogens
- CA NLs
- CA Priority Pollutants
- CA Non-Cancer Hazards
- CA Priority Chemicals
- Marine Priority Action Chemicals
- EU Fragrance Allergen